Dear friends,
The latest developments of the COVID-19 crisis has caused significant problems in the M3DLOC summer school, that was initially planned to take place in mid-July in Lavrion.
To this end, there have been extensive discussion regarding alternatives to be explored, in our pursue of having the school organized and held either by real life presence in September or though web (web-school, webinar) in July. However, after careful examination of all these options it was decided not to proceed with the summer school, and, to postpone the 2020 M3DLOC’s summer event of, for the next year.
So we renew our appointment for next year, for the 2021 summer school, in Lavrion.
The M3DLoC Project is organising its Summer School related to bio-medical applications, microfluidic lab-on-chip devices, and 3D printing, which will take place on the 15th and 16th July 2020 in Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park, Greece.
The M3DLoC Summer School is linked to the Summer School of the Repair3D Project related to Consumer Best Practices and Societal impact for circularity of materials, taking place on the 14th & 15th July 2020 in the same venue.

On the first day of the Repair3D Summer School, July 14th, a number of lectures related to plastic circularity and recycling, manufacturing of plastics composites, and use of plastics in packaging, are planned.
The two Summer Schools will have joined sessions, all day on the 15th of July. This would be an opportunity to cover jointly topics of interests of both summer schools, such as: advanced 3D printing technologies, design of additive manufacturing (AM) products, risk and safety in 3D printing, recycling, and IPR management. A joined social event for participants of both summer schools, is planned for that evening.
On the 16th July, M3DLoC Summer School will have its second day related to bio-medical applications, microfluidic lab-on-chip devices, and 3D printing.
Young researchers from industry and academia, final year undergraduate students and post-graduate students (Masters and PhD students) are encouraged to apply.
The Summer School participants are free to choose if they want to attend two days of each M3DLOC and REPAIR3D Summer School. It is also an option to choose to attend all the three days of the joined Summer Schools programme. These options should be clearly indicated in the Application Form.
There are no participation fees for the students and participants of both Summer Schools will attend for free.
You can download the first announcement of the Summer School here.

This project is supported by the European Union under the HORIZON2020 Framework Programme Grant Agreement no. 760662